Why Should I Get Medical Treatment Right After an Auto Accident?

No one anticipates they’re going to be in an auto accident when they wake up in the morning. One second you’re driving through the intersection, the next you’re spun out facing a different direction in a different lane, dazed, confused, and possibly injured. Even if the accident was at a low speed, the unexpected shock to the body can be tremendous. But maybe you think you feel ok? And like most people, you may have an aversion to seeing a doctor or seeking out medical care so you wave it off and say “oh I’ll be fine.” This could be a big mistake down the road, so why should you get medical treatment right after an auto accident?

Your Health is Number One

Even if you don’t go to the ER immediately from the scene, seeking medical attention right away is the best move for your body and health. Not all accidents or injuries are made the same, and it is possible that something may need immediate medical care you’re unaware of. There are many people who report not feeling injured at a crash site, but that later on realize they were terribly injured.

When we are in a car accident or other similar trauma, our body releases a high level of endorphins to suppress the pain. This is called our body’s “fight or flight” response. Some people don’t feel an injury until after the initial shock of the accident is over. And depending on the circumstances of the accident and person, this can certainly vary. What this means is that you may not know whether you’ve sustained a serious injury immediately following an accident and if it requires immediate medical attention. Don’t try to be tough and stick it out, the best thing you can do is seek immediate medical care to check on your condition.

Waiting to See a Doctor Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Claim

A good rule of thumb is to seek medical care the day of the accident, but no more than 72 hours after it. You may be struggling with nagging thoughts about whether it’s even worth seeing a doctor. Don’t let that stop you. You should visit the doctor regardless. Head traumas can worsen quickly if you don’t get proper treatment quickly. And if you were knocked unconscious at all, you should go to the ER from the scene in an ambulance.

From a personal injury claim perspective, how soon after an auto accident you see a doctor could have a huge impact on your claim. The longer you wait to seek medical care, the easier it will be for claims adjusters to raise doubt about the connection between your injury and the accident. For example, if you wait 3 or even 6 months, there is going to be a big window for them to question you. Don’t let that happen to you! First and foremost is your health, then if the situation warrants, pursue a personal injury claim.

It’s also important to note when you get to the doctor that you mention you were in an auto accident. This will immediately become part of your medical records and proof that you sought medical treatment for an auto accident related injury.

If you were injured in a Sacramento auto accident or San Diego auto accident, contact us today for a FREE case evaluation!

2399 American River Dr,
Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 619-5452

4445 Eastgate Mall,
Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 812-2096

Free Case Evaluation